Monday, November 28, 2011

Well, my fault for not posting forever......  I realize most people in this day and age know how to work their way around a website a thousand times better than me.  Imagine my surprise when after not posting as I said forever... everything is changed and a lot more complicated "for me" to use.  I couldn't even figure out how to get into my own blog! 

I let work, and family, and aging parent, and young adults moving in and out and back in, and a couple out of town trips and a short lived interest in actually working out at a gym, and sitting around watching too many movies and and drinking too much wine  get in the way of blogging and more importantly "reading other blogs".  So I'm going to make a concerted effort to get back on the wagon. Also got to spending too much time on facebook which is really a whole different ball game.

First, I have to remember and refigure out all the new stuff that's been added and/or changed on this sight.


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